Titanic Graves
Fairview Lawn Cemetery
Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada (Newly Refurbished in 1999)
This picture was taken on the 95th
anniversary, April 15, 2007. I want to thank the children's
parents, whomever you are, for letting me photograph the girls looking at
#206 Alma Pålsson's
grave. Also in the picture left to right are #4 Sidney Leslie Goodwin (Unknown Child),
#301 E. Poggie, #186 Ernest
Price and #2 J. W. Marriot.
As far as I can tell, I am the only person with a full set of
pictures of all the graves newly refurbished in 1999, except for the
Jewish cemetery Baron de Hirsch. All these
pictures are to share with you and you have my permission to
download them for personal, non-commercial use and to post on your
own websites, just give me credit and place a link to where you got
them somewhere on your website please.
#243 E. J. Stone could possibly be a
relative of ours. We are now researching our family
history to find out. There are many discrepancies
with E. J. Stone's name and another Stone crew member, also an Stone. Discovery has been made by myself and
researcher Steve Coombes followed up with more. If you would like to read more about it check out
my webpage.
Titanic Research
of Two Stone Crew Members
#227 The infamous J. Dawson grave
that people adopted as Jack from James Cameron's Titanic movie. Many flowers,
stuffed toys, hearts, movie tickets and more were placed on his grave every day during the release
of the movie and for many years after. Still today there
is usually something there. People want to
remember when a good man dies.
Here is Joseph Dawson's grave at
the 100th Anniversary April 15, 2012.
A gentleman was making charcoal rubs of the grave inscription.
You can read about the real J Dawson at
#206 Alma Pålsson
(Paulson on the grave) was found with the
four third class tickets belonging to her beloved children Torburg 8, Paul 6, Stina
4 and Gosta 2. Her husband Nils had previously traveled to America to
find work and set up the families new home and their "American Dream." I
read that upon receiving the news of the disaster Mr. Pålsson collapsed with grief
and became very ill. One can only imagine the moment
in time for that man losing his entire family. We salute you Mr. Pålsson
everyone else who lost their spouses and children to the sea.
Note: Alma Pålsson was not found with her children. None of
her children were found. You can read about Alma on
Encyclopedia Titanica.
One of the saddest and heartbreaking Titanic stories.
Many gifts for the children are left at her grave on
a steady bases, usually in fours for the four children. This is the 100th
Anniversary, April 15th, 2012.
#4 The Unknown Child's grave was paid for by the crew of
the MacKay-Bennett who retrieved his little body from the sea, the
fourth body found. They were so moved by the death of this child, he
set the tone for the recovery mission, they were the ones picked out
of many donators who wanted to pay for the burial. They also carried
the casket in a formal procession. It is wished that the boy was Alma and Nils Pålsson's youngest child Gosta,
ironically buried only a few feet from his mother.
To the Memory
of an
Unknown Child
Whose Remains
Were recovered
After the
Disaster to
The "Titanic"
April 15th 1912
! On November
6th 2001
The Unknown Child was identified through
exhumation of the remains and is not Gosta Pålsson! You can read
about the exhumation and identification and then a new shocking
update of the DNA evidence in 2007 at this link.
#110 Mr. William Henry Harrison is said
to have been a secretary or personal assistant to Titanic owner J. Bruce Ismay. He boarded
the Titanic at Southampton with Mr. Ismay and Ismay's valet Richard Fry. His
grave is right next to the Unknown Child and it is said he was placed there to watch over the child.
He is a favourite for many tourists because he watches the over the child's
In loving
memory of
William Henry
Beloved Husband of
Ann Elizabeth
Who lost his life
in the "Titanic"
April 15 1912
"In the midst of life
We are in Death"
#239 Mr.
Ernest Edward Samuel Freeman was J. Bruce Ismay's
personal secretary as well as a Chief Deck Steward
on board Titanic. Mr. Ismay had this tombstone erected in his honour, some
say out of guilt for his decision not to put enough lifeboats on the ship
to save everyone.
In Memoriam
Ernest Edward Samuel
Last Surviving son of
Capt S.W. Kearney Freeman, R.N.
Husband of
Laura Mary Jane Freeman
Lost in the "Titanic" Disaster
April 15, 1912
He remained at his posting
Seeking to save others
Regardless of his own life
And went down with the ship
Erected by
Mr. J. Bruce Ismay,
To commemorate a long and faithful service
#209 Arthur Gordon McCrae has the biggest tombstone
of the Titanic graves. He was from Australia and was
traveling to Canada as a second class passenger to visit friends. The tombstone erected is called the
Celtic Cross.
In Loving Memory Of
Arthur Gordon
McCrae B.E.
University of Sydney, N.S. Wales,
Who lost his life in
the wreck of
The "Titanic," April, 1912
Aged 32 Years
"Faithful unto death"
One of his mementos his family treasures is a set of silver spoons, from
Siberia, now affectionately known as
"the Titanic Spoons."
#317 Mr.
Everett Edward Elliot was a crew member on the Titanic as a trimmer and his family must have erected this more expensive tombstone. I was really
moved by the inscription.
to the memory of
Everett Edward
of the heroic crew
S.S. "Titanic" Died on duty
April 15, 1912
Aged 24 Years
"Each man stood at his post
while all the weaker ones
went by, and showed
more to all the world
how Englishmen should die"
#218 Mr. Herbert Cave was a First Class Steward
who had among his effects recovered was a partial listing of first class
cabin accommodations. Apparently the only record ever found.
In loving Memory of
Herbert Cave,
Dearly beloved Husband of
Gertrude Agnes Cave
Lost in the "Titanic"
April 15, 1912.
Aged 39 years
There let my way appear
steps unto Heaven
all that thou send'st to me
in mercy given
Angels to beckon me
Nearer my God to Thee
Nearer to Thee
#321 Mr. Ernest Waldron King was listed as a
crew member, a Clerk-Pursers Assistant, his address says
Currin Rectory, Clones, Ireland.
Loving Memory of
Ernest Waldron King
Currin Rectory
Clones, Ireland
Died on Duty S.S. Titanic
April 15, 1912
Aged 28 Years
"Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling"
#327 Mr. Harold Reynolds was a third class
passenger who was coming to Canada to work as a baker. He had a friend
or relative who had previously came to Canada as a baker and was successful, he was awaiting his arrival. Only 21 years old.
In loving memory of
our dear son
Harold Reynolds
who lost his life in the
"Titanic" disaster
April 15, 1912 Aged 21 Yrs
Out in that bitter waste
alone with thee,
thou endst each hero Saint
from sorrow free
Nearer to Thee
See Angel faces beckon me
Nearer to Thee
In the midst of life we are in death
#150 Only 20 years old Mr. George
Fredrick Charles Talbot was
a crew member, a third class Steward. His gravestone was erected by his grieving parents.
A verse from the song 'The Haven of Rest' by Henry L. Gilmour appears on the
In Loving
memory of
Fredrick Charles
Eldest son of
George and Ada Talbot
of Southampton, England.
Lost by the
foundering S.S. Titanic
April 15th 1912. Aged 20 Years.
I've anchored my Soul
in the
haven of rest.
I'll sail the wide seas no more
the tempest may sweep
o'er the wide stormy deep,
in Jesus I'm safe evermore.
#252 Only 19 years old, Mr. George H.
Dean was a member of the Victualling Crew (food supplies), an Assistant Saloon Steward.
His parents
were obviously devastated that they lost him so soon.
George H. Dean
Lost on
April 15, 1912
Aged 19 years.
Very deeply mourned
by his sorrowing parents
& Mary Dean.
Fairview Lawn
Titanic Trees Removed in 2007
It was so strange not to see them there
after visiting so many times.
Titanic Graves video in Fairview Lawn Cemetery, NS
April 15th, 2007.
I also made a video of the Titanic Graves
on the 95th Anniversary. It's almost 10 minutes long. Turn on your speakers to
hear the music. A simple unedited home video with added pictures at the end and
some Technicolor taken with my digital camera video setting. Nothing fancy, lots
of jumpy and blurry. I had to be quick as there was a tour bus due and I didn't
know how much taping time I had. I could not get all the names on film. I also
want to shout out to all the Titanic souls in Mount Olivet Cemetery and Baron de
Hirsch cemetery who did not make it on this video.
This video is dedicated to all who perish at sea and to the two Stone crew
members, Edmund J Stone and Edward Thomas Stone who just may be the two black
birds you can see flying past me at 1:16 very quickly, the birds
crossed right in front of me as I was thinking about the two Stone crewmen
having just walked by the grave, whoosh! whoosh!
Titanic Graves 95th Anniversary
Video & Pictures
Here is my 100th Anniversary video pretty much the same as
the other one.
You may have to click again to watch it on YouTube because of copyright.
Click the title below to read my personal, emotional, journal written
when Three Titanic Bodies were Exhumed in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2001 later
identifying the Unknown Child after a surprising DNA retest in 2007. The family of Sidney
Leslie Goodwin contacted me and thanked me when they found this diary.
I was floored to say the least.
the title below to read my Titanic Research webpage and the discovery I made with two crew
members with the same name STONE, proving that the wrong name is on grave NO. 243 E. J. Stone.
Isaiah 11:6 (KJV)
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
and a little child shall lead them.